Study Abroad Program Exploration in Europe

Welcome! This website aims to provide information for European students to do exchange programs or further study in other European countries.

Here is the detailed procedure of how to use our website, following the sequence of top to bottom:

1. Learn about Studying Abroad Trends

Explore general trends in studying abroad over recent years and understand the changing landscape.

2. Explore Student Mobility in Europe

Operate the map to learn about the student mobility situation in Europe. How many students move from one country to another?

3. Compare Universities

Compare universities using scientific university ranking and scoring data. Campus environment comparison is also possible!

4. Choose Your Ideal University

Choose your desired university based on your observation.

Recent years, more and more European Students choose to study abroad. The data available suggests that there has been a significant movement of students within Europe for higher education. For instance, in 2021, a majority of the tertiary students from abroad in 15 of the EU Member States were from elsewhere in Europe, with the highest shares in Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia. The European Union has been cited as the world’s most popular destination for mobile students, as reported in the 2022 edition of Campus France's 'Key Figures', which aligns with the trend that almost 9 in 10 European students who studied abroad, chose to stay on the continent.

[1] Key Figures on Student Mobility Worldwide, Campus France. Access Here

[2] International student mobility – Key numbers (2022), Times Education. Access Here

[3] 159 New Projects for Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus Association. Access Here

Here are some general facts about Study in Europe:

United Kingdom, Germany, France Top EU destinations for international students [2]
€613 million Budget for Erasmus+ program in 2021-2027 [3]
88% Mobile European students head for another country in Europe [1]
39% Students worldwide on mobility in Europe [2]

Europe's University Rankings

Take a look at university rankings across Europe. Our visualization lets you examine universities in different countries. Hover over points to see the university's name, ranking, and even its location on Google Maps. Click on points to select universities for a side-by-side comparison.

The data used in this visualization is sourced from the World University Rankings 2023 dataset [1] and the map data is sourced from OpenStreetMap and OpenCage Geocoding API [2].

[1]: "World University Rankings 2023", Times Higher Education. Access here.

[2]: "OpenCage Geocoding API", OpenCage Data. Access here.

Compare Universities

Choose and compare universities easily with our Parallel Coordinates. Using data from World University Rankings 2023 [1], you can compare scores like Citation, Research, and Teaching. The parallel coordinates feature lets you compare multiple universities at once. Adjust your view to understand what each university does best.

[1]: "World University Rankings 2023", Times Higher Education. Access here.

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